Poetic Dialectic

Poems and Writings reflecting a search for truth


Do you know what hell looks like?

Do you know what hell looks like?

i think I saw it

it is a place where you are lost

and there is no one there to find you

it is a place where there is no hope for tomorrow

it is a place where lies live and thrive

it is very confusing and full of misunderstanding

it takes all your money and gives nothing back

it is hollow, like an empty house or a corpse

there is no joy

no laughter

it is the end of things

all things being unfulfilled

goals never accomplished

where our failures define our worth

forever falling in utter darkness and never hitting bottom

is there a way out?

Jesus, is the hope for the lost,

He is the truth,

He is peace,

He is our daily bread,

He fills the house with life everlasting,

He is the living water and joy forever,

He is the beginning and the end,

He turns our sorrow into dancing,

He says we are more precious than gold,

He is faithful to complete the good work he began in us.

He is the light of the world and in him there is no darkness.

He conquered death and hell.

He is risen indeed.

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Ash Wednesday

From dust we have come,

From dust we shall return.

Each person bearing the mark of

Their humanity,

A sober acknowledgement

Of our finite foreheads.

Watching each person surrender themselves

To the imposition of ashes,

A baptism of sorts

Not unto life,

But to our death.

What death?

The flesh.

Whose flesh?



Easter Resurrection

Our Hope!